Best in Show | Pets Art Competition

Showcase your talent and win big in Artists Network prestigious art competitions! Discover competitions in a variety of media and enter for your chance to win cash prizes, publication in leading art magazines, global exposure, and rewards for your hard work. Plus, gain valuable feedback from renowned jurors. Let your passion shine through - enter an art competition today!

Call for Entries!

Put your best paw forward in our pets themed art competition. Whether furry or feathered, we want to see artwork of your favorite animal friends. Share your creative portrayals of cats, dogs, lizards, birds—all pets (and all painting and drawing media) are welcome! The art competition is open to any artist, U.S. and international!

Just announced! All award-winning artwork and honorable mentions will be published in the Sept/Oct 2024 issue of Artists Magazine.

Deadlines & Fees

Super Early Bird Deadline

September 12, 2023

Non members $25 per entry | members $15 per entry

Early Bird Deadline

December 19, 2023  

Non members $35 per entry | members $25 per entry

Extended Final Deadline

February 6, 2024

Nonmembers: $40 per entry | Members: $30 per entry

A portion of the entry fee will be donated to the Dumb Friends League.

the Dumb Friends League


Prizes & Awards

Best In Show Winner

$1,500 in cash

Top Dog | Cat | Other* Winner

$500 in cash each

15 Honorable Mentions

$50 Gift Card

All award winners (nineteen [19]) will receive a free Artists Network Membership for 1-year ($99.99 value), a digital award-winner badge, and will be published on

*Other is defined as any pet that is not a cat or dog.

Past Winners

FAQ | Preparing Your Competition Entry

Official Rules and Guidelines

Additional Questions Email: [email protected]

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